Are you unaware of the terms most commonly used in the embroidery and embroidery digitizing then you need not worry about? Just go through these common definitions, terms used in embroidery here.
3D FoamTo make a design look of 3D appearance to embroidery we use the 3D foam. It will be placed under the area where the design will start in the 3D foam, a high stitch density to cut the foam to easily remove after that design will not show wrapped and through.
APPLIQUEAPPLIQUE, this word is taken from the French language, the meaning of this word is applying it is related to the decoration, trimming and cutting the piece of fabric and stitched to another piece to make its shape more dimensional and is also helpful to reduce stitch count.it is simply used for decoration of the garments. this technique will be done by both sources: hands or machines.
BACKINGBacking, another term that is used in the embroidery to provide stability for the penetration middle. For this, we required Woven or non-woven material used underneath the item or fabric.it is used as hooped with the garments. but it can also be placed between the item to be embroidered and the needle plate on machines.
BEAN STITCHBean stitch is used for two stitches at the same time, each stitch is worked over 3 or more times with the same penetration point.it is used to make a lot of materials.in this we create a thick stitch at each position. It’s called a bean stitch Each stitch is worked. It is very useful to make a line that looks where stitched by hand with large, loose floss.
BIRD NESTINGBIRD NESTING is the term in the grocery line and hand made items.in this, we use the needle plate to make a nest. For the complete show look like a bird nesting we use this technique. often caught in the needle plate hole and hook assembly, inadequate tensioning of the top thread not through the take-up lever. Spool or reel that holds the thread used to form the underside stitching.
BOBBINThis is a lightweight thread used in an embroidery machine, it helps us to make embroidery much denser in the back than the front of the design.
BORINGBy using this type of embroidery we can get highly delicate parts. Embroider good that is punctured with a sharp tool called a bore, the edge of bore embroidered and the hole is enlarged by embroidery.
BUCKRAMBuckram is a heavy strong woven fabric used to create things just like baseball, brims, bookbinding, and cap. The fabric is saturated by wheat starch paste, glue and pyroxylin in 1990.
CHAIN STITCHThe chain stitching process is the most important process that plays a key role in embroidery. In which looped stitch that worked along the curved or straight line. It is the most common stitch.
CHENILLEIn this type of embroidery, we will use heavy loops of thread, sewn with heavy threads or yarns, chenille is created on specialized embroidery equipment. Chenille is a French, in French Chenille is used for Caterpillar or fuzzy caterpillar.
COLUMN STITCHIt is a term or technique which typically used to form a border around the filling area to make text. It contains a closed satin stitch.
COMPLEX FILLA complex fill will be similar to the standard fill, it refers to digitalizing capability which applies in the embroidery. It is a technique that is used to knock out areas. We can say that this technique will be used to make edge designing. This also will use broken into multiple sections.
CONDENSED FORMATCONDENSED fill or consistent format is a technique that is used to save in the skeletal form. In this technique, the proportionate number of stitches may come later to be placed between those points that come after the reading scale, density. Also, the lengths of stitches in this format will be changed, like expend structure or format.
DESIGN LIBRARY/CATALOGA catalog which design by a computer program, It is a collection of digitized design which used by an embroidery shop. In this catalog, the main point is stitch count, number of color and icon.
DIGITIZEDIGITIZE or Punching is the universal technique, which is used to convert the artwork into command readable by the embroidery machines with the help of digitalization. To complete the artwork with this technique will give the command to the needle penetration, color changes or stitches to start or stop the work.
DIGITIZING TABLETA digitizing tablet is a surface where the needle penetration process to doing the embroidery design, in which the pencil drawing process is done. This is a place where digitizing the art process is done. In which we enter the data to make the embroidery image and start the embroidery process.
EDITINGThis is the process in which we have done the editing process, in which lots of activities are done like edit design by using the computer program, scale design up and down and also edits stitch.